The events of 2020 in general have forced many of us into a year of evaluating our lives and examining what is important to us. Just as we started to emerge and recommence our lives things are seeming to unravel again.
My main goal of 2020 was to complete my Neuro Linguistic Programming Certified Trainers training. Back in December 2019 when I signed up that seemed entirely in my own hands to take the training and work hard to gain the certification. Then lockdown happened and right up until the day we flew out to Evia, Greece its happening was becoming increasingly unlikely.
However, our resolve and belief in gaining our certification meant we found a way, albeit it with many alterations and flexibility of plans and on September 30th after 3 weeks training and evaluations I graduated as a certified trainer of NLPĀ with high pass grades.
How are you goals and aspirations for 2020 holding out? If your beliefs are strong enough you’ll find the resilience to meet all challenges and find a way over, under around or totally smashing through any obstacles the universe may throw in your direction.
Time to evaluate your goals. Are they still relevant? Do you still totally believe in their achievement?
If you’re struggling with limiting beliefs or anxieties for the future contact me for an initial coaching conversation, completely free of charge and find out how I can get you back on track.
Alternatively sign up for our newsletter for the latest information about trainings, workshops and webinars delivered in person following all social distancing safety protocols or virtually via e-learning and zoom.