New beginnings on twelfth night

January 2nd, 2020

Have you ever wondered about the origins of taking down the Christmas decorations on twelfth night?

There are a few claims to the significance, Christians attribute it to the coming of the 3 wise men bearing gifts of prosperity to Jesus, Epiphany, it also relates to the Pagan tradition of Yule (celebrating the winter solstice) celebrating the shortest day and moving forward into spring.

Whatever your beliefs it’s a time to clear away the old and leave room for the new to flourish. We all make New Years resolutions and how many of them are intact by the second week of January? If you haven’t cleared out the old it will be difficult to move forward with the new.

A good spring clean always follows taking down the decorations in our house taking care of the physical clutter and how many of us has unresolved psychological clutter? Negative emotions and limiting beliefs will weigh you down and sap your energy

What are you hanging on to?

Invest in yourself this year with creating your future coaching. Remove unresolved negative emotions and limiting beliefs enabling you to move forwards to a totally successful future.
