Do Something Different

February 26th, 2020

Albert Einstein said “It’s the insane person who persists in doing the same thing and expects a different result”

Are you using the same goals for Lent as you failed at as New Years resolutions?

Do you know there’s no such thing as willpower? Motivation comes when your goals are aligned with your own values and beliefs. What do you believe about yourself? Are you self sabotaging? Blaming your lack of success on “them”?

Instead of looking for things to give up, why not try making one positive step each day towards achieving your goal? Do you have a bigger picture goal? A goal that is only in your mind is still a dream, learn to make those dreams a reality.  Putting  a positive destination in your mind will give your beliefs confidence to follow your inner sat nav, listen to your hunches and internal positive self talk.

Learn the art of successful goal setting and how you can influence resilience and motivation. A few spaces available on my personal development workshop this Saturday or contact me for a chat about my bespoke 1:1 coaching programmes.
