Back to work nerves

June 28th, 2020


So today was my first time back judging a dressage competition in over 3 months and with the addition of social distancing rules it was a slightly akward situation

It was first time back for the competitors too and with a blustery day, over excited horses and ring rusty riders some challenges for all. If the riders had nerves about returning to competition I also had a few butterflies, although I’ve 20 years judging experience 3 months downtime had me doubting my ability. What if I’d forgotten what to do?

Does any of this strike a chord with you?

We’ve started to get comfortable working from home, zoom meetings, no traffic jams or frustrating commuting, now with the easing of lockdown we’re returning to shops and offices with a whole new social etiquette, uncertainty and anxieties are understandable.

If you’re having worries about the new normal please contact me for a free, no obligation coaching conversation, see how I can help you think differently about the future.

Yes we all survived our new normal a few interesting moments but great to get back in the saddle and looking forward to the next competition.


